How to sponsor?
Scroll down for our sponsorship form and submit it below!
An invitation to support the development of compassionate student leaders:
The Pro Bono Network is a collection of PT, OT, and SLP educational institutions across the country representing student-run pro bono clinics serving their local communities. They gather annually for a conference to network and present on their successes and challenges. The 2024 conference drew 250 student leaders from 36 different institutions from across the US.
We will be actively promoting the event through email blasts to healthcare programs (PT, OT, SLP, etc...) across the United States, conference attendees from the past eight years, and Whova Mobile App.
Let us market your company as a supporter of The Pro Bono Network!
Checks should be payable to Widener University, with Pro Bono Network Conference in the memo
Sponsorship should be mailed to:
The Pro Bono Network
Widener University: Attention Jeanne Nolan
One University Place
Chester, PA 19013
Submit your sponsorship by:
- September 30th: for inclusion in the ASHA Convention
- Janaury 15th 2025: for inclusion in the Combined Section Meeting Pro Bono Network booth marketing materials
- January 15th: for inclusion in the National Pro Bono Network Conference marketing materials and in the AOTA INSPIRE Conference
Please send any questions, logos, or marketing materials to [email protected]
Thank you for your partnership!
Let us market your company as a supporter of
The Pro Bono Network!
Levels of National Sponsorship:
Gold Level ($5,000): Promote your product or service on March 15th with:
- A 10-minute presentation before the entire audience mid-day
- Two 6-foot tables with prime location at the event for networking the entire day
- Banner logo on the conference app
- Largest logo size on all marketing flyers and posters and PBN website
- Promotions at ASHA (Dec 2024), CSM (Feb 2025), and AOTA (March 2025) exhibit halls at our Pro Bono Network table
Silver Level ($2,500): Promote your company on March 15th with:
- A 2-minute presentation before the entire audience mid-day
- One 6-foot table at the event for networking the entire day
- Banner logo on the conference app
- Large logo size on all marketing flyers and posters and PBN website
- Promotions at ASHA, CSM, and AOTA exhibit halls at PBN table
Bronze Level ($1,000): Promote your company on March 15th with:
- One 6-foot table at the event for networking the entire day
- Medium logo size on all marketing flyers and posters and PBN website
- Promotions at ASHA, CSM, and AOTA exhibit halls at PBN table
Friday Night Event Sponsor ($1,500): Excusive promotion at the Friday Night Event held at the UNOs Pizzeria on Widener’s campus and draws student leaders who have traveled for the event. In 2024, 50 student leaders were in attendance.
- 5-minute presentation for the Friday Night Event audience
- Acknowledgement on March 15th (but no physical presence)
- Medium logo size all marketing flyers and posters and PBN website
- Promotions at ASHA, CSM, and AOTA exhibit halls at PBN table